mercredi 7 mars 2012


The fable "The miller, his son and the donkey"


How do I relate to Generation Flux and how will it affect my career success?

I found this article very interesting. It's important to identify when the things are chaotic and when they are not.

I remember the widely dispersed fable "The miller, his son and the donkey". Though it may have ancient analogues, the earliest extant version is in the work of the 13th century Arab writer Ibn Said. There are many eastern versions of the tale and in Europe it was included in a number of Mediaeval collections. Since then it has been frequently included in collections of Aesop's fables as well as the influential Fables of Jean de la Fontaine.
The basic situation in this fable is of a man and his son who are accompanied by their donkey and meet constant criticism from passers by of the way it is used or treated by them. The story's purpose is to show that everyone has their own opinion and there is no way one can satisfy all. There are four or five different elements to the story that are ordered differently according to version. When both walk beside the donkey they are criticised for not riding it. When the father rides, he is blamed for making his young son walk; when the son rides, he is blamed for leaving his elderly father on foot. When both ride, they are berated for overburdening their beast. In later versions the father then exclaims that the only option left is to carry the donkey on his back; in others he does so, or father and son tie the donkey to a pole which they carry on their shoulders. This action causes general mirth and has an unhappy outcome, resulting in the donkey's death through one cause or another.

We live today in a period of complex economy. The new technologies are developed and we have many forms of digital marketing, social media, and our life attitude changes quickly with the chaotic economic situations. When we try to adapt too speedily, we are also influenced by generation flux and we have also different reactions.

Reading this article, I think that I should have to adapt in all situations. The generation flux is very important for me because it will affect my career success in my future professional life. I should learn new things and I should have to be informed about all things which are happening around me, for to have a good attitude and for to adapt in the modern evolution of the world.

A good flexibility in the marketing strategies when we understand generation flux, is a success key of business. Many people in the business think that generation flux is one of the most important elements, and they are ready to use a generation flux marketing!

Presented by Frédéric NGUYEN EICHHOLZER