lundi 12 décembre 2011


bluewalks, iPhone app from Cristobal Viedma on Vimeo.

Bluewalks was an online and mobile service for travelers who want to explore tourist destinations having all the information the needed at the palm of their hand. is a free collaborative platform to discover, create and share walking tours with others. The main concept is to allow anybody to create and update the information of any route, just like Wikipedia does for pages. It is a combination of Google Maps and Wikipedia. Users can also embed images with descriptions on each point of interest when they draw their walks.
This project started off in 2008 by a group of students from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. So far, Bluewalks has won awards which include Seedrocket 2009 and Start Innovation and Sustainability 2009. The project was created with a goal to rediscover the city through the eye of city travellers and to encourage people to share their perspective of their own location.
On 8 September 2009, Bluewalks released an iPhone OS application, Bluewalks Mobile on the App Store.

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