jeudi 22 décembre 2011


Our goal is not only the profit of a hotel but our goal is to contribute in all human development in the region. We wish to participate in the economic development of the region based in the local cultural and social values. For example, in Dalat Zen Cloud Hotel in Vietnam, we encourage the labor and the participation of local ethnic minorities such as K’ho or M’nong, in the creation and the construction of the hotel: manufacturing of fabrics and embroideries for the furniture and decoration of Zen Cloud Hotel, the management of elephants service… We buy the local ethnic minority handicraft products for our shop in the hotel. We emphasize the local culture and traditions. We organize visit and shopping for our customers to the ethnic minority villages.
We offer also formations and jobs in our hotel for the local people.
We want to realize sustainable development by the way to advance hand in hand with the environment, leaving no one on the side of the road.

We encourage also the Fair Trade

Globalization has created wealth, but also has increased inequality in the world. Today, fair trade is emerging as a more human mode of exchange between the real producers and consumers around the world.
Zen Cloud Hotel wishes to have a fair trade label by encouraging local economic developments, by encouraging their labor and their production of handicrafts, so we will participate actively in fair trade.

“Fair trade is a trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency and respect, with the aim of achieving greater equity in world trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions and guaranteeing the rights of marginalized producers and workers, especially in the south of the planet.”


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